
The commitment of the International Relations Office at ETSII is to promote interchange of Students and Staff with the leading academic Engineering Institutions all over the world. Internationalization is one of the strategic principles of the ETSII, within a labor market context, where Engineers are professionals susceptible to develop their careers globally.

International experience is considered a valued skill from the part of employers, and the ETSII provides different possibilities to acquire it, with the numerous partners, and a 30 years old interchange expertise. Nowadays close to 50% of ETSII last year students, develop part of their studies out of Spain.


Programas de Doctorado profesional en Ingeniería en Holanda

Dirigido a Ingenieros Industriales y Químicos o estudiantes de último cursoProgramas de Doctorado Profesional en Ingeniería en Holanda (PDEng. programs) dirigido a ingenieros industriales/químicos de Máster y/o en el quinto curso de Ingeniería Superior

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Publicado el Thursday, 28 de November de 2013